AI assignment

Andy .C
Nov 11, 2020

Would you rather. . .

I would rather have a pet that acually acts like a real pet and looks like one.

A robot that can only do what i teach but keeps info secret

I would want a bot that can do any problem but does not know how it got there.

journal entry

Tech is so cool and there is so so many different forms of it. There is really cool tech and really boring tech. The coolest tech that i have ever used and own is a VR. A VR is a headset/big glasses combined. You put it on your face and it displayed a picture on the display. You can look around in it by moving your head and move you hands with your controllers. It makes you feel like your are in a new world. There are so many differnent games that you can do. Some times it can hert people by them moving in real life and then fall in or hiting something.

